Services and programs are located at the Owasso Community Center and are free to seniors over 60 years-of-age unless noted otherwise. Guests should sign-in at the Member Services Desk.
Common sense regarding attire and language... ask at the Membership Services Desk for specific information.
Senior Lunch Program
Lunch for Seniors served Monday - Friday at 11 a.m.
Reserve lunch 24 hours in advance: Telephone 918-272-3903.
Suggested donation $2.
Nurse Visits
Seniors may visit a nurse at the Community Center.
Foot Care Clinic, blood pressure and basic health checks.

Library Outreach
Check-out and return a book, audio book, or DVD movie in the Community Center's Rams Room.
The Tulsa County Library Outreach program turns over books/movies monthly, so there will always be something new for you to browse.
OCC Lobby
Weekdays 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.